Pre-Islamic Arabia: Tribes, Traditions and Theology

Read my previous article on ‘Why Study Seerah?’ here To understand the Seerah, it important to understand and appreciate the circumstances at that time in Arabia. It provides beneficial context to help us understand why the Prophet ﷺ was sent to the region. Many Islamic scholars refer to this time period as the ‘jahiliyyah’ which means ‘the age or condition of ignorance.’ Tribes The Arabs … Continue reading Pre-Islamic Arabia: Tribes, Traditions and Theology

Why Study Seerah?

Read my previous article on ‘What is Seerah?’ here In this article, I have compiled a list of important reasons why every Muslim should study the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ. Declaration of Faith The importance of the Seerah can be discerned from the Shahadah (the Declaration of Faith), for one cannot enter into the fold of Islam except through testifying that ‘Muhammad ﷺ is … Continue reading Why Study Seerah?

What is Seerah?

This is the first article in my series of articles dedicated to covering the entire Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. So what exactly is ‘Seerah’? The word ‘Seerah’, in the Arabic language, literally means ‘a path’, ‘to walk in a particular direction.’ It’s used to refer to a person’s biography, the path they have traversed. There are different types of Seerah, for example ‘Seerah … Continue reading What is Seerah?