Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba: Freedom-Fighter and Saint of Senegal

Ahmadou Bamba was born in the year 1853 in the village of Mbacké. His family descended from a long line of Qa’dirī scholars. His parents were Mame Momar Anta Saly and Mariyama Bousso. His father was the most well respected qa’di in his kingdom, responsible for building several Islamic schools and his mother was known for her service to the community as well. As a … Continue reading Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba: Freedom-Fighter and Saint of Senegal

An African King in the Heart of India

Born with the name ‘Chapu’ in southern Ethiopia’s Khambata region in 1548, Malik Ambar fell into the hands of slave dealers as a young boy. He was bought and sold several times until he reached Baghdad where he was sold to a prominent merchant who educated and converted him to Islam and gave him the name ‘Ambar’- Arabic for amber, the brown Jewel. In the … Continue reading An African King in the Heart of India

A Brief History of Islam in East Africa

Introduction The history of Islam in East Africa is a long and rich tale stretching back almost to the very inception of Islam. Islam moreover continues to play a major role in social and political developments in East Africa. Insomuch as these contemporary developments are influenced by historical processes, a detailed study of the development of Islam in East Africa may carry not only historiographic … Continue reading A Brief History of Islam in East Africa