The Tragedy of Karbala

Sayyiduna Husayn رضي الله عنه’s bravery, sacrifice and courage at Karbala has left a mark on humanity until the Day of Judgement. What follows is a brief, chronological account of the tragic events that befell Husayn and his followers. Who was Sayyiduna Husayn? Born on Friday 5th of Sha’ban, in the third year after Hijrah1 (626 CE), he was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad … Continue reading The Tragedy of Karbala

A Brief History of Islam in East Africa

Introduction The history of Islam in East Africa is a long and rich tale stretching back almost to the very inception of Islam. Islam moreover continues to play a major role in social and political developments in East Africa. Insomuch as these contemporary developments are influenced by historical processes, a detailed study of the development of Islam in East Africa may carry not only historiographic … Continue reading A Brief History of Islam in East Africa

The War Heroine Allama Iqbal Paid Tribute to

During the autumn of 1911, the Ottoman Empire and Italian forces were engaged in a war for control over the area of Tripolitania (present-day Libya). The forces clashed at the Battle of Tripoli in October. Sheikh Abdullah, a local Arab chief, and his entire village fought in the battle alongside the Muslim army. Women also took part in the battle, providing medical care for the … Continue reading The War Heroine Allama Iqbal Paid Tribute to

The Lydda Death March

This week marks 73 years since the single largest mass expulsion of Palestinians took place during the first Arab-Israeli War. Known as the Lydda Death March, Israeli troops attacked, murdered and pillaged the people and property of Lydda and surrounding areas and forcing tens of thousands of men, women and children to march east, never to return. By the summer of 1948, the Arab-Israeli War … Continue reading The Lydda Death March

The One Hundred Word Eulogy: A Chinese Emperor’s Poetic Tribute to Islam

The One Hundred Word Eulogy was written in praise of the final Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Written by the Hongwu Emperor in the 14th century, the poem serves as an important reminder of the diversity of Islam. But who exactly was the emperor and why did he write a poem in praise of Islam? Zhu Yuanzhang ruled as the Hongwu Emperor from the years 1368 to … Continue reading The One Hundred Word Eulogy: A Chinese Emperor’s Poetic Tribute to Islam

The Status and Significance of Masjid al-Aqsa

Masjid al-Aqsa is not only the beautiful mosque with a golden dome. In fact, it is the entire compound highlighted below and is known as Bayt al-Maqdis, ‘House of the Holiness.’ The entire compound including the land and around 44 buildings within the al-Aqsa sanctuary are sacred. Masjid al-Aqsa translates to ‘the farthest mosque’ and refers to all the specific buildings upon the land. The … Continue reading The Status and Significance of Masjid al-Aqsa

Why Study Seerah?

Read my previous article on ‘What is Seerah?’ here In this article, I have compiled a list of important reasons why every Muslim should study the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ. Declaration of Faith The importance of the Seerah can be discerned from the Shahadah (the Declaration of Faith), for one cannot enter into the fold of Islam except through testifying that ‘Muhammad ﷺ is … Continue reading Why Study Seerah?

Spain’s Forgotten Muslims: From Conversion to Expulsion

Islamic Spain is known across the whole world for its incredibly rich intellectual, artistic and cultural contributions to human civilisation. But perhaps a lesser-known story is that of the final century of Islamic Spain following the Christian conquest of the last Muslim stronghold of Granada in 1492. The Nasrid kingdom of Granada, which came into power in 1232, fell to the forces of the Catholic … Continue reading Spain’s Forgotten Muslims: From Conversion to Expulsion

What is Seerah?

This is the first article in my series of articles dedicated to covering the entire Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. So what exactly is ‘Seerah’? The word ‘Seerah’, in the Arabic language, literally means ‘a path’, ‘to walk in a particular direction.’ It’s used to refer to a person’s biography, the path they have traversed. There are different types of Seerah, for example ‘Seerah … Continue reading What is Seerah?

Eid Celebrations in 20th Century Britain

Ever wondered how Muslims in Britain celebrated Eid over 100 years ago? These fascinating photos will give you a glimpse of what it was like. Arranging the prayer mats for the worshippers in preparation for Eid in 1916. Worshippers performing ablution at the Mosque in Woking in 1917. Young girls, dressed in traditional South Asian clothing and one holding her teddy bear, stand together during … Continue reading Eid Celebrations in 20th Century Britain